Below is a letter that Alden wrote and is sending out to friends and family. While our fund raising techniques to support this venture are pretty basic, the costs for it continue to increase, especially this year as we prepare to ship bookshelves down for their library.
Dear Friends and Family, January 3, 2011
My family and I are traveling to Dominica, an island in the West Indies. This will be our fifth time traveling to Dominica. Dominica is a small, poor island. The people there are happy, yet many of them have so little. The schools are very different from the schools we have in America. The schools are made of plain cement blocks. They have graffiti on the walls and a single blackboard hanging on the wall of each classroom. They have few books, pencils, paper, crayons, colored pencils, or even pens! Academically, they also have little.
Our family wants to help by building a library in their school. Building a library is a big commitment, but if we get enough supplies, we will be able to do it. We have already gathered thousands of books and school supplies. My sister and I have the chance to go to school there for a month every year. We have both found differences and similarities to ours in their culture and schools. All of the subjects that kids learn about in school are approached in a totally different way because they don’t have enough supplies. Even a spiral notebook is a huge donation. When we give them books and school supplies every year, they award us with their gratitude. They are always so grateful for our donations.
This year, we are hoping to raise $1,500 in order to ship supplies as well as bookshelves for the St. Joseph School Library. We hope you can help us with donating any amount you can. Little things make a big difference. Thank you so much!
Alden and Willow Forbes
698 State Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801
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