A few days ago, my parents went to go pick up the barrels with all of the books in them. Willow and I were at school while they went with the principal to Roseau, where the barrels were. We all wondered how long it would take them, although we had a pretty good feeling it would take all day. They left around nine o’clock.
At school, it was “come as you like”. That is a day where you have to dress like a character. Some kids came as pop stars, and some kids came as doctors. There were a lot of different varieties. I came as Katy Perry with my friend Kemely because she wanted to sing a song with me by Katy Perry. We sang “hot and cold”.
It was very different to our school’s “field day” or “expression session”. With this school, the kids just ran around until the teachers set up the chairs for us to sit in and watch each kid come up one by one and do their act. Some people were good, but most kids were really bad. At least they tried. When they called Kemely and my name, we went up and sang our song. While we were up there singing and dancing, we were looking at all of the school. It was then that I realized that this school is much smaller than Little Harbour. We could fit all of the kids in the school here on the stage at the same time. After we finished, people clapped.
The teachers kept on calling names. One kid was (I am guessing) about five years old and was dressed as a business man. When he got up on stage, he told us all about how he was a business man and if anybody did anything wrong, he would fire them. He said “see this tag on my shirt, this means I am a business man, so now you know how to spell business man.” We all laughed. He took it so seriously. After we had gone through all of the people, it was snack time. After snack, we had lunch, and after lunch, my parents came back.
They had a pickup truck with all six of the barrels in the back. I helped them unload it and sort the barrels out. We divided the books into different reading levels, beginning in K and running through 6th grade. After about a half an hour of unpacking the barrels, I was pooped. So was everybody who was helping. We had to keep going until we finished. Once we were done, each pile pretty much filled up a whole barrel. I will always remember the feeling that I got when I was helping with the barrels. It was a feeling that you know you’re helping, but it is such hard work.
It’s going to be really great when we see the new book shelves in the library. Hopefully they will be done by the end of the week.