Monday, February 27, 2012

Comments are good!

My mom (Tally) mentioned she was having trouble posting a comment, so I thought I'd post something giving EVERYONE permission to post comments, ask questions, let us know what you'd like to see more of, less of, tell us what kind of weather we're missing, etc.

It's easy! If you're on the blog, all you need to do is click on the comment link which appear at the bottom of every post. If there are no comments, "0 Comments" will be listed. Simply click on that link, and "voila!": you can post your own comment. If you're looking at the specific post, it's even easier because there's a comment section. Just lay down your brilliant prose then click the "Publish" button.

This is particularly useful for Alden and Willow, who will be thrilled to know that their posts are being read.

As parents of young kids, Alison and are accustomed to talking and getting no response, but if you have something smarmy, witty or even nice to say, feel free to post a comment.

Go on, give it a try!!


  1. Thanks for all the news! I am enjoying reading what Alden and Willow write, and hope that next time we see you, we will hear even more from all of you.
    Cheers! Heather W.

  2. Ok... you asked for it! Winter storm warning tonight through tomorrow night! 3-6, 6-12, 42-60 inches... depending on who you listen to! UGH! Enjoy the sand in your toes...

  3. I LOVE to read your blogs.....they paint pictures in my mind as I read them. The whole family are writers. I am glad I went to a tiny, teeny piece of Dominica. I am wondering if the girls can tell me what their house is like and what it is like around their house. Do you have a car?

  4. Also, what kind of foods that you have that might be different from foods that we have here? Willow, I'm glad you didn't almost die...Your dad was really quick to catch you. What do your Mom and dad do while you girls are in school? Would somebody take some pictures of some of the 75 kinds of orchids they see growing in the wild and email them to me when they get home? I would love that. Maybe Alden, would you draw me some pictures of them .
